We have a hotline to God through Jesus.

Hotlines, there are plenty of them in order to help people in various ways and means, from mental issues to traveler’s information hotlines. They are used all the time and can be extremely helpful with the information they give in order to help you navigate your life. We have direct hotline to God through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, allowing us to directly communicate to God when we need to for whatever reason. Just like hotlines, we can use this to ask for help, guidance, to pray for things and people, and most importantly to better our relationship with God. We do not have to wait for God to answer a phone or anything like that or sit in a waiting room in order to pray, the second we start praying he starts to listen. Maybe you think you do not need this hotline as often as others in order to go about life and you will figure out yourself, that is not something he wants us to do.

God wants us to communicate with him daily through this connection that we have when we give our lives to him becoming his children. God wants us to open up to him in order to have peace, guidance, and to help us strengthen our faith in him with reminders of what he has done and will do for us. We are told to not be envious nor be afraid of what can be done to us because we have God with us. We are also told to commit our decisions to God and wait patiently for the right doors to open and the other doors to shut. Committing your ways also means trusting that he is in control while waiting for him to act in the faith that you give while going about what you have given him, watching for his signals and timing. Do all of this as you pray and use your ability of the hotline to speak with him for clarity and for provision as you go about what you prayed for. If it is something he wants you to do, he will give you peace within your heart about the decisions you have made.

Having peace in our heart is an essential part of how he communicates with us that we are making the right decisions. Having peace means not having anxiety about it and trusting that he will take control and make of it what he wills, he also communicates through his word. Reading his word is how we understand his voice when we use the hotline, we do not want to listen to the voices that hijack the signal and try to pry us away from our time with God. Reading his word helps us to better hear and listen for his voice as we are communicating with him during our prayer time. Praying and spending time alone is how we understand what he wants us to do, doing so leads to vast potentials in what he has called us to do. We must also remember that nothing is impossible for God, if he has put something on your heart and given you dreams and visions about what he has for you.

Remain faithful with what you have and allow him to do more with it through you and allow him to send people your way in order to help you. Pray for partners that can assist you when things become too much, use this connection as a guidance to what and when things need to happen and change. Go for it if it is something he is telling you to go for, with prioritizing communication with him. Prioritizing communication allow us to make sure we can have time with him, even a couple minutes, in order to pray and bring to him our concerns while waiting patiently for a response. As you use this hotline, allow him to change your heart’s desires and he will fulfill them with what he has in store for you. Allow yourself time to use it daily to speak with him and communicate as a 2-way conversation, and lastly, await his provision knowing what he has in store for you is worth it. May God bless you and keep you safe from harm and the enemy, Amen!

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Specifically, this is from a ‘Bible in a Year’ plan on Bible.com
The link to it is here.


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