Let God’s life changing words guide your life, protect you, and lead you.
When we pray, we ask every time to prepare and give us our “daily bread”, that can mean the physical food we eat but most importantly, it is also his word. God’s word through the bible was given to us in order to sustain our souls for the life that he has put us in. We can and will experience betrayal, accusations, backstabbing, and many other issues in this life; how we respond shows how spiritually mature we are. Physical food is not the only food we live off of since we have a second life when we pass from here, we must also live off of God’s word through the bible. His word is described as a constant river flowing from his mouth and the fountain of life that is never ending that can quench the thirst of our souls. Just as physically eating and drinking is important, so is spiritually eating and drinking through his word in order to sustain us.
The word of God is something that even Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior how to read and understand in order to properly know everything going on around him. It is how he understood what was happening when he was being betrayed and was able to say that it was the fulfillment of the prophecies. It was how he knew that things that would happen and what his purpose in his life was in order to save the rest of us in order to be and live with him. He allowed the bible to transform him into who God meant him to be knowing that he was the Messiah, The Son of Man, and the Christ. When we read the bible, we must allow it to transform us into the person God needs us to be in order to accomplish his will for our lives. Do not merely read it as a textbook, read it as the nourishment for your soul and allow it to be written on you heart as such.
Allow the word to guide you as it transforms you, allow it to show you and allow you to hear God’s voice for the guidance you need. After reading, pray about what you read and invite God into your prayer and ask him what you were meant to learn from the reading you just did. Reading and praying go hand in hand in order to be properly lead and protected in this life, we must do them to be spiritually strong and protected from the things this life will throw at us. We are promised great things if we keep these habits from hearing God’s voice to seeing his promises come to fruition, to a long and prosperous life with God. The bible brings joy to our souls and heart while also warning us and protecting us from the dangerous world that we do live in as believers knowing that the world is out to get us. Sometimes this may come in the form of someone whom we trust and have trusted for some time and yet they do something horrific to us.
They may start something that looks good and pleasing and then yet use it for bad in order to destroy us and what we have done. Judas Iscariot did this exact thing when he betrayed Jesus, he went up to him and kissed – something that may seem sweet – just for it to be a signal for which person they are to put on trial. We are told to be weary and forgiving to people and make sure we are discerning everyone’s motives and actions. When we do find someone is betraying us, we are also called to overlook the offence and forgive them for what they have done to us. This can be in false accusations or worse things, yet we are supposed to give it to God and let him handle it and continue to let him guide us. Allow his word to transform you and you will give him your issues and won’t handle it the way the world will expect you to handle it.
So, in this life, we will face difficult times and times of betrayal and so on, these are the moment where we must allow God into our situation. Give him control and he will take care of everything and when you are confused, go to him in prayer and reading, his answer will be revealed. God will give an answer, it may not be immediately, but he will answer you in a timely fashion in accordance with his will. Obey his word and put them into practice so others may know that you are his by the fruit you bear for a tree cannot produce opposite fruit. Live a God honoring life and trust him with everything entirely, everything is going to be Okay, Amen.