How to find and listen to God’s voice in such a busy world

Listening in today’s society is very difficult with everything and everybody telling us what we supposedly need and what to do and how to do it. Society has made it very easy to get trapped into its schemes with everything from your phone, to your TV, to simply the radio in your car. We are no longer taught how to properly listen and come up with our own opinions, we are taught to listen and feel how we are told to feel. This is where we need God’s voice to guide us, protect us, and to show us his proper love that he has in store for us. We are also quick to leave God’s presence when we are done saying what we want to say in a prayer that he has no time or room to give us help or instructions. We all have done it numerous times, praying to God is meant to be a conversation with him and not a one-way street.

Listening to his voice can be difficult with people we know speaking to us or the enemy giving us doubts and telling us to not believe his voice. This is where we need him more than ever because if we believe the lie that we are hearing only our thoughts in prayer or the not trust his words, the enemy can lure us back into sin. There are many ways God may speak to us, the one and true way he speaks to us is through Jesus’ words in the bible. The words of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior are the words of God, read the scripture and take note and study the word. While doing this, allow you heart to be all ears to God and he will speak to you through your Bible through his commandments and his teachings that written down in it. You may pray beforehand that he speak to you during your reading session and ask him to help you to memorize a verse or two in order to keep them on the tablet of your heart. Doing these things will help you to seek him in every decision you make throughout your life and throughout your day to day routine and activities.

God will guide us with love and loyalty while reminding us that we are to not to try to figure out everything on our own. Guiding by loyalty is something this world needs with the amount of gossip that happens and the amount of distrust and people not keeping their word. We are to listen for God’s voice in everything we do and let him guide us in order to remain loyal not to just him, but those whose lives we are a part of. Speak about someone in public as if they were right with you and avoid any gossip people might try to spread, gossip only hurts those who are involved and has no good intention in mind. Be loyal to people and establish trust with them by speaking well about them even when they are not present and God will bless you with trust and reputation with them as it is written in proverbs 3 verse 4.

Trusting God is a vital, the part, of our faith knowing that he is in charge and knows everything that is going to happen while also protecting us. We may go astray and disobey in which case he then has us learn the hard way by going through it only because he loves us and wants to show us he knows best. Trusting God and ignoring our arrogance is how we survive in such a world where the enemy is constantly prowling waiting to grab us back into his schemes. Fearing God isn’t meant to scare us off, but is supposed to be the loving fear that we have for our parents. With this, run to him when evil rears its ugly head and this will being good health and protection upon yourself spiritually and physically. Seek him like this and know that he will protect wherever you go and that he is with you, and through this you will know what it means to give up your life and to find purpose in why he has you here.

We are called to stop living a life of fulfilling our desires and doing things for ourselves, however, to now live a life that has a purpose for his Kingdom. We all have crosses to take upon ourselves in order to fulfill the will and duties that have been given to us from God in order to complete his mission on earth. We must seek God in order to find his will for us while denying ourselves and what we want to do for a living, don’t be scared to do this thinking the will he has for you won’t be something you don’t like. Meditate on his word and pray to him, seek him through these things and studying your bible and you will hear and see him at work; you may not physically see his face like how Peter, James, and John did, but you will see his hand in your life. Listen to him throughout everything and know his voice in order to do what is right and what he desires you to do, and he promises an abundant life with joy, peace, love, and with him for eternity.

With this abundance you may find yourself with more wealth than you can think of doing anything with. We are called to give the first 10% of our income to him through either donating to a ministry or church or helping those in need. Giving your first 10% shows that you trust him with the rest you have and in return he does promise abundance as well. Don’t to this just for abundance, but to actually help those who need it and to help a church support itself. In the end, hearing his voice is as difficult as some say it is, it’s a matter of disconnecting from the world and reading the bible. Even if it’s just a few minutes a day, spend time disconnected and watch as you see him more in your life and what he has done before in your past.

 Trust him with every decision and seek his guidance before making any of them and know that he is with you regardless of what happens. For it is written,  “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” – Link Here. Trust him everything, seek his guidance, be loyal and loving to people despite what they have done and forgive those who persecute you. Let him guide your life and watch as everything comes together, and your desires change to complete his will on your life. While doing this, know that everything is going to be Okay, Amen!

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