Tips we can gain from listening to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviors’ words in order to be better messengers for God.

Tips, we all would like tips and tricks on how to be better at our jobs from shortcuts, to learning things before they happen to us, to being told warnings from can and cannot happen in our job. We are given tips on how to be better messengers for God’s word, allowing what Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior speak to us and then through us. These just aren’t how to better messengers; they are also how to live a life pleasing to God and ultimately a good life for us. From obeying what he has commanded of us to do, to staying close to him and seeking his peace and love. We are told how to live a life that pleases him and that will allow us to be better messengers and ambassadors for his Kingdom.

We are told to stay close to God and seek his peace and guidance for the ability to be better messengers, we must stay close to him and have hope. This allows us to show others and ourselves that trusting God and waiting patiently and passionately for him is the best thing we can do for his timing is perfect for what we need and pray for. Staying close to him also allows us to have peace within him, not stressing as we continue to wait. We are able to do this because the Holy Spirit reminds us of God’s love for us as his children and the promises that he has made and has fulfilled to us and many others before us. This will show others that seeking God can only do good in your life and help you live the fulfilling life that he desires for us to have. It also allows his forgiveness to overpour into our hearts and allow us to forgive and not judge people.

As God’s messengers, we are to forgive people and not judge people based on what they do and do not have issues with or possess. As Jesus told the parable of do not remove the speck from your brother’s eye when you have a plank in your eye. Basically, do not call someone out on their issues and problems they are trying to fight and fix when you yourself have that same issue or more. We are told and commanded to forgive people and to overlook any offence they throw at us, do not waste mental and physical energy holding grudges or unforgiveness. Unforgiveness can and will weigh you down from going higher to where God wants you to be. Give them generosity and help them despite what they may have done to you, giving your life away to help those in need is what God desires for us to do.

Doing this also guards our hearts from the hatred the world would like to see us have in order to become part of it. Do not let the world enter your heart, ask God to guard it and read his word in order to keep it safe. Doing this will show that you built your faith and ‘house’ on a solid foundation that being Jesus. This also comes with obeying his word, not just merely taking it in. We are to apply his word to our life that demonstrates the wisdom we have obtained from it in order to show that we are trusting God for everything. Yes, we will have issues and problems though, however, applying the word and then relying on God as your foundation will be pivotal in order to help you keep your faith. This will help you to keep yourself rooted and hitched to Jesus in order to accomplish the tasks required of you in this life from God.

Aim higher in your walk with God, praying for the best that he has for you and allowing him to prepare you for we are his responsibility. Aiming higher and remaining humble is what we should do, allowing God to take us through the ranks he has for us while staying submitted un er his authority. God will move and promote you if you are submitted to his authority, people who have authority normally have an authority above them. We are allowed by God to be his messengers; he is still in charge of us and still commands us to go to where we need to go. Submit yourself to him and you will finish well with him loving you and telling you “Well done my good and faithful servant.” Allow him to make you more sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s voice in order to help you be the messenger and person he needs you to be.

In the end, we all have a reason that God has put us here, and a lot of people do not submit to his authority. Most people think that submitting to God means no more fun, rest, enjoyment, and so on. In reality, its where we can experience all of that within the confines of his love and protection, its where we can play and enjoy life with him guarding and protecting us. Yes, we all rules and we are called to be his messengers and be submissive to him, he stills wants us to enjoy the life he has for us. So, allow him to be your captain, master, whatever you want to call it, and know that he wants the up most intimate relationship with us in order to share his love.

We will argue, get upset, or down right disobey sometimes because we are only human, he is still right there just waiting for us to realize we messed up and repent with asking for forgiveness. So, ask him for forgiveness, ask him to guide you to be the best messenger you can be, he might just have you be a messenger in your workplace and that’s it or he may take you around the world. You won’t know unless you go to him, so go to him, he is waiting with open arms.  May God bless you and love you entirely and keep you safe, AMEN!!!!

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