God gives us rules and boundaries out of love, in order to enjoy life as he has planned out for us.

Boundaries and rules, no one really likes them because we think of them as a way to hinder what we want to do and how we want to do it. We think of rules as a way to control us in order to keep us in line to destroy the fun and joy that comes from doing what we want to do, when we want to do it. Rules, in reality, are a way and form of love that shows when we see what happens when we do not have rules in place in order to protect and help those participating. It can be hard sometimes to think that we are loved when all we see is the world around us, praying and hoping for the prayers that we have prayed to be answered. During these moments, look to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior and know that his love for you has not dwindled or has been shaken, he still loves you the same regardless of what rules or regulations you might be only seeing.

We can be quick to see the rules and regulations as a way to hinder what we want to do as we see it as a way to hinder fun and enjoyment. The truth is, God’s rules and regulations are to ensure that we can live a life full of joy, fun, and gratitude, it is out of his love that he sets these boundaries to ensure that the life we live will lead us to him. Without these rules, all of our lives would be chaotic, blaming each other for random things, not being to enjoy things because no one knows what to do, and so forth. His rules as our loving and good father are to ensure that peace and stability can co-exist, in order to live this fulfilling life he has planned or us. God does this to help us to not get hurt, break things or relationship, and to have fun with him and those around us while doing the work he has called us to do.

We are given these rules in order to play the game of life fairly and with joy to make sure everyone enjoys what is happening. Yes, we do have rule breakers out there in the world, that’s why we need the rule enforcers in order to make sure that those people are brough to justice. If there were no rules, people would be stealing, breaking, and hurting others in so many different ways, that’s why they exist. It’s not about mindless control, it’s about the love God has for us to ensure we can live a life pleasing to him and a life that is enjoyable to us. We do not lose freedom with the proper rules, we gain the freedom because we can go out and know others will also follow same said rules.

Boundaries are given to help us out of love and wisdom, not out of hate and control. A good parent will give their children boundaries to teach them and out of love in order to keep them safe, God does the same to us despite how we act. Not listening and obeying the rules can and will have horrible results to those who do not obey what they are told to do as we see in the bible numerous times. So, obey and listen to God who does have your best interest in mind better than your actual parents and better than you. He formed you in your mother’s womb from simply nothing, he knows you better than anyone will ever know you. Follow what he has for you and know that everything is in his control, may God bless you and keep you, Amen!

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