Having a partner and friend help you in life is better than trying to go at it alone.

Life, we are meant to go through life with people for either a season or two or they are supposed to be with us our whole lives to help us as we help them. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior even knew this importance as he didn’t try to spread the Gospel entirely by himself, he had help. So often though we will try to get through issues ourselves thinking doing it alone somehow makes us seem and look stronger when it ends us hurting us in the end. So many things are better done with multiple than with just one, an engine in a car doesn’t have just one piston, it has several. Heavy train loads don’t try to overload one train engine, they use multiple that are controlled by one in order to in sync with each other. Just as being helped with multiple people is great, being in sync with each other is also crucial and important, if not, you might as well be working alone in it.

The best way this union of needing help with multiple people is shown is through the blessing and covenant of marriage between two people. If done properly, a marriage is yes between two people, however, it is also done with God in the dead center of it in order to hold their bonds strong and solid. Two people can withstand storms and issues of life, but they can still break if not held with a bonding agent, God is that bonding agent that can hold them together through anything. Two people can reinforce each other through difficult times, without the glue or the nails, they can falter and collapse under the weight as one may slip away. Think of it like this, you need a piece of wood to hold something up, but one piece is too weak in order to do so.

You grab a second and both can hold it up, however, now they are slipping under the weight as you add more weight. In order to remedy this, they need a third and invisible force that can make them even stronger together, that would be some nails you can hammer in order to ensure they stick together. The nails would be Jesus with the nails going through him in order to bring us to him for a relationship with him and God and ultimately, to allow our relationships to work out if he is the center and bonding agent. The nails that Jesus took hold us together in relationships to help us get through difficult times and make sure that we cannot slip away or falter in any way since it keeps us locked down to him and each other. Doing work with help also makes us more productive and not as easily burned out, Jesus sent the 12 disciples two by two, not one by one, in order to heal people, spread the Gospel, and so on.

Going at life alone and our calling is NOT what we are supposed to do in unless God says otherwise and even still then, those people have a support system behind them with God leading. Sure, we might lose friends and family as we do the calling God has for us in order to keep our stance with God and lose our worldly integrity, that’s fine, he has better for you anyway in that case. Do not try to lone wolf life, God made us to depend on him and on each other, it is written that “It is not good for man to be alone, I will make him a helper”. We need God and each other in order to accomplish the things our lives, so do not lose faith if you currently do not have friends, family, or a spouse in order to hello you through. God will provide like he always does, keep asking him and seeking him, the separation is for a reason and that might be in order to build your relationship with him first and figure out his voice.

Being alone can and does suck, however, it is not a permanent thing. God will provide you the support and people you need in your life in order to accomplish his will for your life. Do not let being isolated for so long shutdown any potential relationship he might sending your way out of a habit of being alone. Let God be God and our Great Father and provider, and he will do the rest. May God bless you and keep you safe, Amen.

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