Everything works out for the good of those who love and fear him.

We all want good things to happen in our lives, from finances, to jobs, to our personal and home life with kids or significant others. Nobody wants to live a life with hardships, trials, and struggles since we will normally fail and faulter and want to not do anything anymore. So often, what happens is we hear something or see something devastating and then we will lose our focus on God and shift to the circumstances that we are facing. It could be something that happened to us personally like an accident that left you injured badly or something that happened to someone we care and love for. We may never know why God allows for bad things to happen to people and those whom we love or even why he allows it to happen to us. In the midst of everything though, God can make the bad things become something good for us, even though we may not see it.

We are told to walk wisely with God and we are given numerous ways on how to through just proverbs alone, from watching what we say to making sure what we see is pure. What we say, allow ourselves to see, and what we hear to where we go all shape us as a person and ultimately who we become. Will you become a rebel to God or allow yourself to be transformed by him allowing him to help you as your Lord and Savior through Jesus Christ? We have to make sure that we are having good and positive thoughts about our life and what we are doing, if not those can quickly lead to a downhill spiral that is extremely hard to get out of. What we think is also often what is placed in our hearts as the heart is beginning of all things. Ask God to help you have a positive heart and thought pattern to ensure as healthy and fulfilling life working out his will.

Being careful of these things will lead us on the righteous path that Jesus paved the way for when he died for our sins on that cross. Make sure you are also watching what you allow your ears to hear and eyes to see as they lead directly to the mind and then to the heart. If these sections of our body are sick, the whole body will become sick as it is said in Matthew 6:22-23. Keep the entrance points to your heart clean and healthy, and you yourself will be clean and healthy for whatever God has in store for you. We are also called to give generously since it also shows what is in our heart, the wellbeing and welfare of those who are not as fortunate. Helping the homeless and poor is what is expected and commanded of us, and yet also comes from the overflow of love from God loving us. Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior gave his life generously so that we can be reconciled with God every single day, yet it caused him pain and agony in order to do so.

We are called to do the same, may be not on a cross, but in the sense of helping those even if it causes us pain and even when we don’t want to. Doing this also shows God our reliance on him as Jesus relied on him for the disciples and their provisions as they went out proclaiming the Gospel to others. Trusting him totally is also what we must do especially if we are going through a hard time, doing so tells us and him that we know everything will work out for our good. God works through odd ways to show us that he is always with us and that nothing doesn’t have a reason to why its happening to us. A battle we may be facing might be to give us strength and wisdom for when someone else fights that same battle later on in their life and uses us to help them. God works everything out for the good of those whom love him entirely and trust him entirely.

So, trust him entirely and love him like we are commanded to with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength. God will always be right there waiting for you to return to him if you go astray, and he will always remain faithful to us even we don’t remain faithful to him. Every thing and season has a reason, ask him to guide you through knowing that in the end it will be for your benefit. May God bless you and keep you, Amen!

P.S. Remember that God will always love you, Amen.

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