Fear no one and nothing, only have fear for God and to please him

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Fearing God does not mean to be absolutely terrified of him and doing everything because you are expecting a wrath vengeance if you even slightly mess up. Fearing God is knowing that he is the Almighty and the All-powerful God, it is to adore him, love him, respect and be in awe of his abilities and what he has done. It is to know our relationship with him and could be translated to love God, knowing that he can do everything and anything and he sees everything that we do or think of. We are told to fear him as we would fear and love a father or mother, we love our parents and do what they ask because we fear what would happen if we didn’t do what they ask. And like any good Father, God will discipline you if you disobey, not because he hates you. Like a good parent does discipline out of love in order to teach their children whom they love, God does the same to us when we disobey him; he does this to correct us lovingly. This is to make sure we learn from our mistakes and our disobedience in order to stay pure to him and not sin so we can live a life with him.

Having this fear of God will eliminate the fears of the world and the fears what can happen to us of harm, people. what they might say, do, or what will happen to us. We are told throughout the bible numerous times that we are more valuable than anything else on earth, for God created us in his own likeness and image. God will not let things happen to you if he knew you couldn’t handle it, we are not to fear things that may happen to us when we go about living out our calling for him. Say you get on a plane and it crashes and you are stranded, we are to not have fear of what will happen or if we will be saved; this is where you are to pray to God and ask for his guidance on your next steps. There are many countless examples of how we are to not have fear over these things and of people; if you currently do have these fears, pray to God for courage and strength to overcome them. These are fears that will prohibit you from doing God’s will for your life and staying safe and doing nothing that he wants you to do.

Remember, when people start to persecute you and question you about your faith and then the bible and about God, do not fear their questions. Their questions are from the world, The Holy Spirit within given to us from God after Jesus took our sins, will give you the words and the answers to their questions. Do not think about the answer, speak what comes you your mind from The Holy Spirit for he knows best on what to say for he also sees their hearts and their minds. And when it comes to it, do not fear death for then you know you will be returning home with your Heavenly Father and accept it with this mind, no matter if it be people or some illness or natural causes that are taking you. Persecution will be everywhere and from anyone, we must take it and then respond only when prompted and with the words given to us, not adding or subtracting to them.

In conclusion, fear God and God only, do not fear people, things, situations, or places for none of these will add to your life or control where your soul goes. We are supposed to revere God and know that he will take care of us everywhere we go. We can be sure God will take care of us because of our faith and it is mentioned numerous times that we are more valuable than anything else in the universe. So, take heart and know he sees you and he hears you, do not be afraid, do not stress, and go to him when your situation seems dire. He will remove the fear with his perfect for you, and remember everything will be Okay, Amen!!!!

Definition of Fear

(F)alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing (R)eal

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